Monday, 23 April 2012

Window Into a World of Colour Photo Shoot

Well uploading time again, the second shoot is almost finished (only one more to edit), but I couldn't resist posting the finished ones on here for all to see.  The theme on this is urban brutalism (the Barbican), I have chosen a different colour theme for each image. Thanks to Cash for modelling, thanks to the Barbican for being most unhelpful and not letting us shoot where we had originally planned and thanks to my amazing girlfriend for all her hard work on sorting everything out. Also listen to Cash's band they are really cool

Update time: All the pictures are finally finished!!!

Hope you enjoy the images.

(Canon 450D 70-200mm L f/5 1/200 sec ISO 100)

(Canon 450D 28mm f/3.5 1/1000 sec ISO 400)

(Canon 450D 18-55mm f/13 1/100 sec ISO 400)

(Canon 450D 100mm Macro f/3.5 1/30 sec ISO 400)
(Canon 450D 28mm f/13 +1 1/160 sec ISO 200)

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